No rest for the wicked...
I am not new to double welt / jetted pockets, I made them for trousers and a few waistcoats. I still learned a few new things though: - Extra linen, additional to the fusing. - Longer "arrows" on the sides and giving them curves - I never basted the welts before So, here are the pictures so far. (To be fair: These are not my best welts so far. On my personal scale maybe 7 out of 10.)
(Yes, I still need to cut the linen for the inbreast pocket correctly)
Finished. Or as we say in Germany: Fertig. Which has a very appropriate double meaning, since it also means: Knackered.
The frontside of the outbreast pocket looks okay to me. The little curve at the backside appeared after pressing (As did this lousy stains).
Now brace yourselves for the backside:
It looks okay in the picture - in real life it looks like a complete train wreck! Thank goodness, only you and I know this...😉
Update: Cross pockets are finished now. Second time around, I liked the welts / jets better - 8 out of 10. Me & my wife like the ticket pocket very much - these might show up on other garments made at Keerl's too 😉
Overall not too bad, I think. Tomorrow I'll take on the outbreast pocket!
They’re coming along. I call these pockets double jetted. In the US they are besom, or double welt.