Hi all,
I'm still working on Canvassing my Foreparts and was about to cut the window in the canvas to pull the pocket through. I checked underneath and marked the corner of the stitching as Rory does in the video but my pocket mouth seems to be in line with the dart I've taken out of the canvas.
Is this a problem? I presume I don't want to cut the window out through this stitching?
Rory's seems to be a little below the dart. Have I gone wrong somewhere?
You should be able to see the faint red chalked corner on the canvas. As you can see my pocket mouth comes right in line with this dart.
What should I do?

You can cut this stitching. It is machine sewn and won’t unravel
Don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s a very small mistake in what is looking like a very good attempt
For future reference the canvas dart is from the tip to waist suppression not the pocket as you have done here. The canvas dart is only 3 1/2- 4” long. Not 7-8” like you have done.
The dart in the canvas is cut too low. Don’t worry it should affect the overall finish of the garment