Hey Guys,
Just finished the zipper at the center front.. got there about 1/4 inch overlap when the zipper is closed (first picture, when I dont wear the trousers). When I wear the trousers, the zipper isnt hidden anymore and shows up (last picture). Anyone knows how to solve the problem?
The draft doesn't matter.
I think I know where you are going wrong.
At the bottom of the fly the seams need to be off set by a 1/4". So there needs to be an overlap at the bottom as well as the top. The seam allowance is still 3/8". The two seams will match when you reach the fork.
Does that make sense?
Is the seam below the fly through the fork off set by 1/4"?
Well, now I remember from last time: Different pants but same cut, used a technique for the fly and the zipper from my university, but came out with the same problem...so probably the center front wont be the problem?
Need more pics