Good afternoon,
waist 39
seat 41
inside leg 32.5
scale 20.5
This is my first attempt making trousers.
They feel baggy and the knee line is 4 inches lower than my knee joint.
Can I just move the baste stitches up 4 inches? Or move the knee line up on the draft?
I think I need to re-cut to a smaller waist size.
Any help and advice would be appreciated.

Thanks Jeroen, I will go ahead and move it.
Thank you for our comments
Hi Paul,
I haven't made any trousers yet (At least not using Rory's method), so I can't help all that much - but I am with you on the "baggy" issue: The Front looks good to me, but the back sure looks like it is lacking form. Looking at the measures you posted, you aren't very "articulate" at the rear end (To put it nicely 😄) - so you definitely need less fabric there. Overall, I get the impression there's too much width everywhere.
But again: That's my layman's view on it!
I hope someone more competent in the trouser-making department is able to help you in the right direction!
PS: Would you mind, if I move your post into the "Trousers" Subcategorie, here: ?