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Men's Bespoke Trouser Making

Bespoke trouser making is the garment for a skilled machiner. Often the focus of tailoring is honed in on hand sewing skills, overlooking the skilled artisan that can operate an industrial sewing machine. There is a technique to using such a machine which must be learnt and mastered. Since the threadle machine was made obsolete, trouser making has evolved to almost an entirely machine made garment. All the main details such as pockets, straight seams and fly are sewn by machine. The making process utilises the industrial sewing machine for many of the details so it’s a great opportunity to improve one’s skills. At The HTA, students can opt to start the course online and complete it in-house or vice-versa. We also host introductory courses for beginners who wish to master the art of Savile Row tailoring.

Men’s Bespoke Trouser Making

Suitable for levels 2 & 3 - novice to competent


course & Accommodation fees

Full time six week course on set dates is €3650.00

Click here for term dates

To schedule an in-house one-to-one training course outside of the provided term dates is €750 per week. This additional charge is incurred due to the personalised and individual approach. 

Students have the option to stay for as little as one week or for as long as four.


Course materials €120.00 - Subject to change


Accommodation is offered at €290 per week


An invoice will be sent for the full amount for the course of your choosing of which €500 is used to secure the student’s place on the course. The remaining amount is to be paid no later than one week before the course begins.



***All fees are non-refundable

Short on time?
Try and intensive!

course materials

Dugdale Brothers offer all the trimmings required for every course.


Other tools such as thimbles, shears and needles are provided for student use for the duration of the course.


The student will have access to an industrial sewing machine, a height adjustable board and an industrial steam iron. Pressing equipment such as a tailor's ham, chest board and sleeve board will also be available for use.

course goals

Men’s Bespoke Trouser Making is a great garment for any student that has basic machine and hand sewing skills.


Trouser making is predominantly machine sewing with a few hand-stitching techniques needed for the finishing stages.


Students who wish to take this course should take some time familiarising themselves with their sewing machine, and practise sewing in a straight line. Once machine operating has been mastered, sewing in the various pocket styles and zip fly will be simplified.


The goal of any course is to make the best possible garment, which can only be achieved by repetition. A master trouser maker didn’t master trousers by making one perfect pair, but rather failed time and again. Through failing we learn from our mistakes and to master we must be determined to succeed.

Week 1


Introduction to tools, measurement chart and head units

Students will take turns measuring one another to become competent in assessing figures


Pattern drafting

The student will draft a trouser pattern based off their own measurements


A detailed explanation of the use of an industrial sewing machine is given

  • Threading the industrial sewing machine

  • Sewing straight seams

  • Working with a needle and thimble

  • Basting straight and diagonally

  • Cross stitching


Buttonhole stitch and sewing darts

The buttonhole is taught early in the course so that the student is able to continue practising the skills needed for the completion of the garment


Buttonhole stitch cont. and sewing parallel lines

The sewing of parallel lines will help develop machine sewing skills needed for pocket making

Men's Bespoke Trouser Making Syllabus
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©Rory Duffy 2019

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