So, after the help of many of you, I finally can show you a coat that can be fitted. Or rather: Was fitted, by my wife and me, with Rory's video and some other stuff.
As you can see, the right sleeve is too short, I'll let it out 1".
The sleeve caps are too high for my liking, I'll never get that much fullness tucked in cleanly - I might alter that.
Apart from those issues: What do you think?

* pitch for the right sleeve is already lowered 1/4" This looked good yesterday and just before the pictures were taken. Now it looks as if I'd have to lower it another 1/4" - But that might be due to a little stressed posing too... I'll put it on a few times - later on and see if it changes or not.
Cheers, folks. Almost a year passed, in which I haven't been able to finish this coat ... yet! (New-born children and toddlers, combined with a pandemic, job and household do not mix well with time-consuming hobbies like these, especially not, if you should really stay focused on what you're doing!
As soon as my waitscoats are done, this coat will be "revived" again. Fun task: I've lost well over 10kg over the last year ... So I'll have to adjust it again 😥
I'll keep you posted!
Look great Jeoren! waist suppression looks much better!
amazing work, i would like to see the finished cloth.
And there we are... I let out the side seams ~ 1/4 of an inch, changed the length of the right sleeve and corrected the vents and the back hem.
Don't mind the left arm, I'm keeping it slightly bend at the moment, as (for a a change) now the left elbow is ****** and not my back.
The folds you see at the right, just above the vent: That's my basting. You can see the corner coming up as well, way down - I seem to have pulled it a bit...
So, what bothers me still are the folds just at the back of the upper arm sleeve.
Any ideas?
Great work. Looking forward to seeing the next (stage) update.
Looks like it is coming on really well!
Looks pretty good. Personally, I would try reducing the waist suppression very slightly at the side seams, in an attempt to clean up those drags radiating out at waist level on the back panels. Otherwise agree with everything you've said, and it's shaping up nicely.