Hi Rory
I have started the draft of the trousers and I notice that you have an additional step in the video that is not shown on the drafting notes. Point 23 is shown on the notes as sitting on the top of the waistband line, but in the video you lower that by the same distance as between 24 and 25. So am I right in thinking that the line 23(modified)-25 lies parallel to 23-24 as shown below for the back part draft?

Hi Rory
I have completed my trouser draft. I decided to use a program to create it from your formula instead of drafting by hand as it has meant that I can dip into it at any time I get a spare moment from work, without having to set up my work table. I appreciate that this might be sacrilege to purists of the handcraft approach - so apologies in advance - I'm just trying to get these garments made to the best of my ability in the spare time I have at the moment!
Before I start striking the pattern could you (and/or any other members) have a glance over this to see if there are any obvious errors in construction/interpretation of the formula. In particular I am concerned that the formula only has a value for Waist (which I assume is taken through the line level with the belly button) but since the rise I have chosen is lower than that there is a different value for the waist measurement at this point. This is probably an obvious question but should I be using the waist measurement at the intended waistband level in the formula rather than the measurement at belly button height?
Yep, that step is missing from the notes.
Hi Rory
Further to the above, can I clarify that the dart on the front is in effect removed by taking the dart width from the waistline seam at the top of the front piece leaving the shaping to continue on the trouser facing piece.
In essence the length along the waistline seam becomes (Waist/4) + 3/8" (seam allowance on side seam only as fly side is a stitch line)?
No actual dart is shown being sewn on the front panels in the video so this is what I have understood to have occurred.....Is this correct?