Hello! I don't usally post here, but I was checking my e-mails and saw you wanted some suggestions with the wedding suit you were going to wear to your wedding. This might be a bit "out there" for what your style may be, but since green appears to be your favorite color (as it's the main colors in both this and your business website), maybe have the main suiting cloth be in a shade of green, or if you want to be a little more subtle maybe have green lining inside. After all, it's not everyday you see a green color at a wedding.
here's some interesting cloth and lining that you may like:
Bottle Green Barathea | Formalwear:
Rich green twill | Needle ready:
https://shop.dugdalebros.com/search/product/2851dug14198/colour/sunburst_rich_green_twill/page/4/Brown with Green stripe |
Royal Classic Vantage:
Green Lining:
Finally getting round to finishing of my Dinner suit. I had a client order a few suits so I have been busy getting those ready. I purchased a cover-button press, but the 24 ligne didn't match the die so I had to scrap that plan and order some in from wwwtheliningcompany.co.uk.
Expensive but worth it. Great quality.
Not done there. I still have Lucy's to make. I wanted to make it into a video series but we are still shooting the drafting series and I need to get this garment done so I can get on with the morning suits.
Hope to have some pics to share soon.
My only comment would be that green cloth has quite a hunt coat connotation (that would be in a tailcoat rather than a morning coat, though they are obviously not completely unalike) – not sure if that's the case in Ireland though!