Having just spent the last few weeks looking at trouser drafts, I now look at different leg alignments everywhere. Here's a picture of G7 tailoring - I think Boris Johnson is knock-kneed, the Japanese prime minister is duck-footed. Biden straight-legged and the Canadian Prime Minister has an open leg stance. The man second from the left is interesting - I don't know what happened there, maybe he had been sitting for a long time and hadn't time to straighten out his trousers!
I am seeing it everywhere now. Even my sister in law has it.
The knees touch but the feet don't, almost like an X.
I know I have said before that there are five different leg figurations. Well I was wrong there are actually six.
Boris Johnson has a hint of it, so too does Trump.
There's a guy with an accordion who standing outside my local mall. I was say he plays the accordion but I don't want to exaggerate.
He has the most incredible knock knees.
But the weirdest thing is it was included in a very early version of the book!!
I haven't digitalised the draft yet, but I know how to achieve the fit.
Taitors, all of them.
Waste of perfectly good wool dressing up those vile piles of human garbage.
This is a fun and interesting post. I've been thinking a lot about leg figuration since starting the trousers making video series. I've self diagnosed closed legs. I agree with your assessment of the legs at G7. Perhaps the man second from left has prominent calves and the trousers are just a shade too narrow? Gosh Mr Johnson is wearing an ill fitting suit I suspect his figure is stout or corpulent. I think that his waistband is too small so it's pushed down towards his hips which are probably narrower than his waist causing the ugly excessive break at his shin. I wonder if a larger waistband and braces, as well as cutting for closed legs (knock kneed), would help.